It feels ultimately hopeless when you know you can never truly know what is in another person's heart...
When you fully submit yourself to another human being...for better for worse they say
When you trust in love to love you as intensely and absolutely as you love them
When you loose yourself in another being ....nothing but a state of euphoria
Vulnerable to just this one person in this whole world....
And then the fear hits you....they hold the hammer that can shatter you...
Trust in what is in your heart and know that some lessons may deeply hurt ...they aren't a reflection of you as a person....
Sometimes we meet people who aren't really ready for us at that time in their lives, and some we have to reluctantly admit are just parasites we accidentally we let them free...we detach ..not easy often it has proven...but we have to and we move on the horizon
There's nothing worse self damaging than holding on to a person with hopes of loving you how you need to and not knowing whether in time they will or not...
As much as it may hurt at that time...the past has taught us endurance...acceptance and most of love again as often as we need to....
To get to that place of peace mingled with fireworks <3